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15 Whitehall Tandem Row Boat

$3,000 USD

Seller's Description

Whitehall Tandem Row Boat, 15ft. 2022 sailboat for sale Fiberglass Seats - Middle seat is adjustable for solo or tandem rowing Two sets of Wood Oars and inset Oarlocks (only one set of oars is shown in the photos) Note: Trailer is not included.

Boat Specifications: Length: 15’ Width: 46” Bow Depth” 24” Midship Depth: 12” Stern Depth: 21” Weight: 145 lbs. Max Capacity 500 lbs. 3 Person Rating HIN: SU00067J122

History of the Whitehall rowboat: The Whitehall rowboat was the first boat to be constructed in an inverted-hull set-up to speed up the manufacturing process. It was named after a street in NYC where they were first constructed. The hull shape is characterized by a nearly straight stem, and slight flare to the bow, rounded sides, with a keel running the entire length of the bottom and a distinctive wine glass transom with a full skeg. Considered one of the most beautiful row-boats, they are designed to handle the harbor chop and yet track straight. Speed was the issue with these boats, as the first to the ship with the goods generally received the lion’s share of the sales. Later the shore patrol used these boats for customs, police issues, water taxi, and newspaper reporting.

Whitehalls in the early 20th century were a popular recreational boat and were known as the “bicycle of the sea”. A beginning rower finds it easier to row this design in a straight line because of the tracking type keel. Turning requires stronger strokes on one side, and by braking with one oar and pulling with the other the boat can be turned in its own length or phone 512-619-six-nine-two-eight

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